Sunday, November 7, 2010

Update or Politics?

Well, I suppose I should be updating this more frequently, now that there have been a grand total of 33 views of this webpage ;-)

I suppose my struggle has been this past election cycle that is keeping my political brain spinning. All I have to say about it is Rock on, Obama. And thank you for saying exactly what I, and I hope many Americans have been thinking for the past two years: "Our future depends on putting politics aside to solve problems, to worry about the next generation instead of the next election. We can't spend the next two years mired in gridlock. Other countries like China aren't standing still, so we can't stand still either. We have to move forward." (

American families are dependent on the government to stop drawing party lines and raising single party issues to the forefront. Now is not the time to fight for abortion rights or gay marriage or even health care, in my opinion. (Though there will be a time for those issues, too.) The economy and unemployment need to be addressed, and they need to be addressed now. I am praying that the Republicans will forget this "the American people elected us because we best represent their views of how this country should be run" crap and simply accept their place in our national government as another member fighting for the good of the American people, even is that means the forbidden word...COMPROMISE. I hope they aren't going to ride this wave until the next election, halting Congress once again so they can get a Republican as president. Grr. Who designed this system, anyway? I should have voted for the "My rent is too damn high" guy...

Geesh. I'm getting warm just thinking about the idea of unity and bipartisan cooperation for the next two years...I'm praying...

- Erica

"Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. 'Come now, let us reason together,' says the LORD" Isaiah 1:17-18 

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